Thursday, December 16, 2010

Adam Blade jokes

Why does Tom have a Blade?

Because his author is Adam Blade.

Why is Adam Blade's name Adam Blade?

Because it's his name.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Beast Quest Series

There are 7 series the 1rst one is called Beast Quest, the secound is called The Golden Armour ,the 3rd one is called The Dark Realm, the 4th one is called The Amulet of Avantia, the 5th one is called The Shade of Death, the 6th one is called The World of Chaos, the 7th one is called The Lost World, and the lost for now is theThe Pirate King

They are special books at the end of each series they are called The Beast Quest Specials.

Photo Gallery

About His Books And Himself

1.In Adam Blade's books the main character is Tom a 10 year old boy.
2.Adam Blade's pets are a tarantula and a monkey.
3.Adam Blade's 12th beast is Trillion.
4.Tom's main quest is to find his father Taladon.
5.Elenna Tom's friend has a wolf as a pet,he is cauld Silver.

Newest books

Balisk the water snake.
Koron jaws of death.
Hecton the body snatcher.
Torno the hurricane dragon.
Kronus the clawed menace.
Bloodboar the buried doom.
and ravira ruler of the underworld (special bumper editions)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

About Adam Blade

Adam Blade is in his late twenties, and was born in Kent, England

Adam grew up surrounded by his father’s paintings of historic English battles – which left a lifelong mark on his imagination. He was also fascinated by the ancient sword and shield that hung in his father’s office. Adam’s father said they were a Blade family heirloom.

As a boy, Adam would spend days imagining who could have first owned the sword and shield. Eventually, he created a character – Tom, the bravest boy warrior of them all. The idea for Beast Quest was born.

When Adam grew up and decided that he wanted to be a writer. He remembered the old sword and shield, and the imaginary boy he had created when he was young. Adam decided to bring Tom fully to life so that readers could go on the kind of adventures that he always wanted to when he was that age…

But people fink other wise and say that beast quest is authored by various work-for-hire writers under the name of Adam Blade.